Hot Springs Candidate Forum


The Student Government Association of National Park College and Garland County Farm Bureau have again created the best Candidate Forum of the season!

Lots of candidates and scores of voters came together in the Hot Springs college's campus for a unique opportunity to meet, mingle and hear the candidates speak about their campaigns.

There will be another opportunity prior to the general election in November and I look forward to being part of it as well.

Local, district and state candidates were on hand. My Democrat opponent and Republican Curtis Coleman were on hand. Kerry Hicks also represented the LP well as our candidate for 4th District Congressman. He delivered a thoughtful but provocative libertarian perspective on the state of American politics and what a Libertarian would do when elected. Good Stuff!

Connor Eldridge, the Democrat candidate for senate continues smiling and would not rise to the bait when I said that his party was offering a fresh, new face, but that democrats in Arkansas had gone from being Yellow Dogs, to Blue Dogs to Lap Dogs.

After hearing Kerry and I both address the huge and growing debt of our country, young Mr. Eldridge also spoke of the need to tackle the problem. He knows that his three, young sons will suffer for our failures. I'm left wondering what he really believes a new back-bench Democrat can do about it. His party seems to embrace debt, deficits and loose-money policies… but I'm sure he will be different.
